User's guide /

IT Support


IT Support

The IT Support module is one of the main components in the package, providing clients with the capability to create and send tickets based on pre-established categories.

Create a Ticket

To create a ticket, go to the 'IT Support' module and click the 'Create' button.

Module - "It Support"

In the menu, fill in the required fields.

Module - "It Support" - Create

Please note that certain categories may include additional fields that can be either optional or necessary to fill. Categories and fields related to them are predefined. For more information on how to configure these settings, please refer to the documentation provided here.
Additionally, you can attach files to your ticket, as demonstrated in the example below.
Example: Main category "Cyber Security" and Category "Cyber Incident"

Module - "It Support" - Create

Module - "It Support" - Create

Tracking Tickets

After clicking 'Add,' the ticket status is updated to 'Started,' and a record is created in the 'IT Support' module as well as in module "It Support Administration", which is used for reviewing your ticket. You can click 'Edit' to view or make changes to the ticket if needed. 

Module - "It Support"

The picture below shows the Edit menu.

Module - "It Support" - Edit

Track your ticket status in the module and through emails.

Module - "It Support"